*Get 12 Months of Access to Mike and the course videos! With our Extended Access Course. This is the way to go, if you are serious about wanting to master trading.
This bundled course includes- Learn to Trade Course + Extra Zoom style Student Screen-Sharing Videos.

Mike Aston teaching two nieces to trade stocks

About Your Instructor

I have experienced the freedom of generating income from home for the past 27 years. When I first started learning, it took me three years before I discovered when the optimum time to engage the market was. My "Trading Template" has been the key to my success. When my two nieces showed interest in learning how I generated my income from home through trading. I agreed to teach the girls as long as they would record each lesson and put it into a video format.

We have all heard- It is – what you don’t know – that is robbing you. With that premise, I decided to open this course up so that others, like Tori and Payton, who are seeking to experience financial freedom can now have the knowledge to do so.

Get started now!

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See What Our Students Have to Say About the Course:

Mike's course is well worth it!

"I’m a 57 yr old professional who owns a small business here in Florida and I’ve always had a desire to dive deeper into trading equities. I used to trade on the side back in the early 90’s which was of course a different experience back then.

Running a small business took me away from trading but I also experienced a few bad trading decisions that lost me a good amount of money and more importantly the confidence to jump back in. All I can say is wow!"

-Mike W

TradingTemplate.com is Superb!

"TradingTemplate.com gives a superb introduction into Online Trading for those who are new in this arena. After taking this course, one would be reasonably confident to enter into the Trading world, irrespective of the Market - whether it be stocks, Forex, commodities, crypto, or any other.

As far me, I can swear, had I first come across ANY other course than tradingtemplate.com's, I would have been totally disinterested in Trading itself. So, I can say, TradingTemplate.com is a life-changer for me."

-Daniel Gonzalez

I would like to mention:

"I would like to mention it was by accident that i came across Mikes invitation to trade anywhere in the world in the comfort of your home. I was paying my bills at the time. We took up the offer to purchase the course late 2019. The truth of the matter I asked myself -what if this could change my financial position?

So I replayed the Youtube of Mikes presentation to my wife and we agreed to give it ago. Mike has the ability to present the course in a easy to understand manner, that his experience of 20 years plus has consolidated. The concepts he reveals in his template (process) which I believe are gold."

-David McCarthy.